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What are the hours?
The morning class runs from 9:00-11:15 and the afternoon class runs from 1:00-3:15.

Do I have to send a snack?
No.  We have a cook that makes all snacks for the children.  For a sample menu, click here.

What items do I have to send with my child to Head Start?
On their first day, please send inside shoes, a large backpack, a paint shirt (adult's old shirt is perfect) and a change of clothes.  Also be sure to check on their shoes and clothes as they grow lots throughout the year.

Is there a cost?
There is no monetary cost at all.  The only thing that we require is for you to volunteer around the classroom/building for 2 hours per month.  This can include coming in to play, helping in the kitchen, attending meetings, participating in fundraisers, cleaning, building, driving - whatever your strength may be!

Will my child learn to speak Cree?
The teachers speak Basic Directives in Cree to the children (api, astam, nagi, pimote) and they also teach a list of Cree words throughout the school year.  Numbers, Animals, Family Members, Colours, etc.

What time will my child be picked up?
After you register and the program coordinator has added your child to the list, she will notify you of your pick up time.  This will depend on the other children in the group and may change throughout the year as the class list updates.

What will my child learn?
The teachers do teach some Kindergarten Readiness Skills (letters, numbers, colours, cutting, etc) however the focus is learning about Aboriginal and Metis Traditions and Culture, the Cree Language, Respect, Independence, Routine and an overall love for learning.

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